Thursday, January 17, 2013

Our timetable weekly 3rd grade-Kuvansi

Here you see our timetable. It is the same the whole year. We have more breaks than you and our schooldays are shorter than yours in Scotland. Finnish includes reading, writing, grammar, drama and sometimes we make Power Point shows. PE includes track and field, orienteering, football, dancing, gymnastics, skiing, skating, volleyball, basketball, floor ball, hiking and Finnish baseball.

8.40 English Group A
9.25 Break - pupils play outside
9.40 Assembly for the whole school, Group B starts school
9.50 Finnish
10.20 Lunch time and outside play
11.05 PE
11.50 Break - pupils play outside
12.05 Maths
12.50  Group A goes home and Group B Break - pupils play outside
13.05 English Group B
13.50 Group B goes home

8.40 Finnish
9.25 Break - pupils play outside
9.40 Maths
10.20 Lunch time and outside play
11.05 PE
11.50 Break - pupils play outside
12.05 Biology and geography
12.50 Break - pupils play outside
13.05 Art
13.50 School finishes

8.40 English Group A
9.25 Break - pupils play outside
9.40 Religion

10.20 Lunch time and outside play

11.05 Finnish
11.50 Break - pupils play outside
12.05 Music
12.50 Group A goes home and Group B Break - pupils play outside
13.05 Group B ICT
13.50 Group B goes home

8.40 Maths
9.25 Break - pupils play outside
9.40 PE
10.20 Lunch time and outside play
11.05 Finnish
11.50 Break - pupils play outside
12.05  Biology and geography
12.50 Break - pupils play outside
13.05 Woodwork Group A  and Textile work Group B in autumn. After Christmas vice versa
14.35 School finishes

8.40 ICT Group A
9.25  Break - pupils play outside
9.40 Assembly for the whole school, Group B starts school
9.50 Music
10.20 Lunch time and outside play
11.05 Maths

11.50 Break - pupils play outside
12.05  Biology and geography
12.50 Group A goes home and Group B Break - pupils play outside
13.05 English Group B
13.50 Group B goes home

Lucy, Suzy and Vicky and their Art works.

Pete and Vicky and our Maths books.

Robin and Ann and her Finnish notebook. Everybody read the book Robin is holding.

Lucy and Kevin and our Finnish books.

Angela and Rose and our biology and geography books.

Nicole and Harry and our English books.